Vitiligo is a medical condition that causes the skin to lose its natural color. Lighter patches of skin appear. Some people develop some patches. Others lose much more skin color.
Vitiligo can also affect other parts of your body. A section of hair may turn white. Some people lose color inside their mouth. Even one eye may lose some of its color.
The cause of this loss of color remains a mystery. We know that vitiligo is not contagious. It is not life-threatening.

Loss of skin color can appear anywhere.
Vitiligo is a medical condition that causes the loss of natural skin color. Your dermatologist may call this "pigment loss" or "depigmentation." We can lose pigment anywhere on our body, including our:
Hair (scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard)
Mouth (inside)
Most people with vitiligo experience a loss of skin color. The affected skin may lighten or become completely white. Many people do not have any other signs or symptoms. They feel completely healthy.
Some people say that the skin affected by vitiligo is itchy or painful.
Today, most doctors recognize two types of vitiligo:

The subtype tells you how much vitiligo appears on the body. Vitiligo subtypes are:
Localized. One or a few spots or patches appear, but are limited to one or a few areas of the body.
Generalized. Most people develop this subtype, which causes scattered patches on the body.
Universal. Most of the pigment is gone. This is rare.
There is no way to predict how much color a person will lose. Color loss may remain unchanged for years. Some people see patches enlarge and new patches appear. In rare cases, the skin may regain lost color without treatment.
How do dermatologists treat vitiligo?
There are many treatment options. The goal of most treatments is to restore lost skin color. The type of treatment that is best for you will depend on your preference, overall health, age, and where the vitiligo appears on your body.
Vitiligo Skin Care Tips
To get the protection you need, choose a sunscreen that offers all of the following:
- UVA/UVB protection (label may say "broad spectrum")
- SPF of 30 or more
- Water resistance
5. Add color to your skin safely. If you want to add color to your skin, consider using self-tanner, cream, dye or makeup.
It is important to see a dermatologist
If you decide not to treat vitiligo, it is important to consult a dermatologist. Vitiligo is a medical condition, not just a cosmetic concern.